Teachers College Writing Art of Argument Alignment With Nysccls

Units of Study in Statement, Information, and Narrative Writing

A Workshop Curriculum for Middle School Grades

Loftier Expectations, Achievable Goals

The writing units of study help teachers provide their students with instruction, opportunities for do, and physical doable goals to help them meet and exceed any set up of loftier standards.

Proven Tools and Methods

It is an understatement to say these units have been piloted many times. The teaching in these books has been planned, taught, revised, and retaught, through a wheel of improvement involving literally thousands of classrooms in schools dotting the world.

A Clear Instructional Arc

Each writing unit represents about five to six weeks of instruction, structured into 3 or 4 "bends in the route." Rather than tackling the entire journey all at in one case, it's easier to embark on this series of shorter, focused bends, pausing between each to regroup and prepare for the adjacent.

The 7 Essentials of Writing Instruction

Units of Study Essential 1

"When a student enters your school, what hope exercise you make about the writing education he or she volition receive?" - Lucy Calkins

1. Writing needs to be taught like any other bones skill, with explicit instruction and ample opportunity for practice. Almost every day, every student needs between fifty and 60 minutes for writing instruction.

Units of Study Essential 2

2. Students deserve to write for existent, to write the kinds of texts that they come across in the world—nonfiction affiliate books, persuasive letters, stories, lab reports, reviews, poems—and to write for an audience of readers, non but for the teacher's ruby-red pen.

Units of Study Essential 3

3. Writers write to put meaning onto the folio. Young people will particularly invest themselves in their writing if they write about subjects that are important to them. The easiest way to support investment in writing is to teach children to cull their own topics virtually of the fourth dimension.

Units of Study Essential 4

4. Children deserve to exist explicitly taught how to write. Instruction matters—and this includes educational activity in spelling and conventions, as well as in the qualities and strategies of skillful writing.

Units of Study Essential 5

v. Students deserve the opportunity and instruction necessary for them to wheel through the writing process as they write: rehearsing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing their writing.

Units of Study Essential 6

6. Writers read. For children to write well, they demand opportunities to read and hear texts read, and to read equally insiders, studying what other authors have done that they, also, could try.

Units of Study Essential 7

seven. Students deserve clear goals and frequent feedback. They need to hear ways their writing is getting amend and to know what their side by side steps might exist.

Read More . . .

To read more well-nigh how you can piece of work with colleagues to clear the vision guiding writing education at your school, download the sample chapter for your class level, excerpted from A Guide to the Writing Workshop (Primary, Intermediate, and Eye Schoolhouse Grades). Notation that the Guides for each form level are components in the Units of Written report in Stance/Argument, Data, and Narrative Writing, Grand–8 series.

Units of Study
Units of Study

Iii Units of Report per grade level include all the didactics points, minilessons, conferences, and pocket-size group piece of work for a comprehensive workshop curriculum.

A Guide to the Writing Workshop
A Guide to the Writing Workshop

Describes the essential principles, methods, and structures of effective writing workshop instruction. (Available for separate buy—ideal for administrators and coaches who are supporting implementation of Units of Study.)

Cess-Based Educational activity

Abbreviated versions of additional units help teachers meet specific instructional needs.

Writing Pathways
Writing Pathways: Performance Assessments and Learning Progressions

A powerful cess system offering learning progressions, operation assessments, educatee checklists, rubrics, and leveled writing exemplars. (Available in a G–8 version—platonic for administrators and coaches)

Online Resources
Online Resources

Offers downloadable, printable files for the ballast charts, educatee exemplars, homework assignments, checklists in every session, digital files for resources provided in Writing Pathways, and Castilian translations of various resources.

Grade-Level Video Orientations
Form-Level Video Orientations

In these video courses, Lucy Calkins and her colleagues provide an overview of the units along with tips and guidelines to aid teachers go off to a good start.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


  • What are some things the coauthors would like you to know as you consider the Units of Study? Mary Ehrenworth, Audra Robb, Lucy Calkins (iv:08)
  • How volition the Units of Study help your students run across class-level standards and succeed on high-stakes tests? Mary Ehrenworth (3:05)

Getting Started

  • Getting Started with Units of Study Office i: What are some of the dissimilar ways to begin? Lucy Calkins (ii:01)
  • Getting Started with Units of Study Part 2: How can class-level teams gear up to teach the units? Kelly Boland Hohne, Katy Wischow, Mary Ehrenworth (2:08)
  • What does writing workshop wait like? Mary Ehrenworth (5:34)
  • What conditions are needed for success with the Units of Study? Mary Ehrenworth (3:09)


  • How do the units support assessment and goal setting? Mary Ehrenworth, Audra Robb (5:11)
  • How can teachers and administrators know how writing is going in their schools? Mary Ehrenworth (7:53)
  • What changes tin can teachers expect to come across in their classrooms when they begin using the Units of Report? Mary Ehrenworth (i:51)

Coming together the Needs of English Learners

  • Practice the middle school Units of Study support the needs of ELL students? Carla Spain (7:13)

Middle School Units

  • What does workshop look like in middle schoolhouse? Part 1: The Workshop Framework Mary Ehrenworth (2:54)
  • What does workshop expect like in middle schoolhouse? Part two: Adjusting the Piece of work for Different Timeframes Mary Ehrenworth (9:46)
  • How are the reading and writing units continued in the center schoolhouse grades? Mary Ehrenworth, Katy Wischow (two:02)

Purchasing Options

Series Bundle and Each Grade Level Set

Please notation that the Middle School Writing Units do not have merchandise packs.

Guides to the Writing Workshop

A copy of the appropriate Guide is included in your Units box. These Guides are offered equally an optional buy for administrators and coaches.

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